Must-Have HR Analytics, Dashboards and Scorecards

Get a glimpse into the people analytics dashboards that leading organizations like Zendesk, ClickUp and Stryker use for driving better decision-making and more strategic business outcomes. There are a wealth of actionable insights held within your people data, but they can be difficult to identify without aggregating and visualizing the data housed in your various hr systems. The first challenge is getting your data in one place, either by partnering with a people analytics provider or by building out the function in house. But then the question becomes, how do you know where to start combining and manipulating the data to uncover those actionable opportunities?

In our recent ebook, The Top 5 Must-Have Analytics Dashboards we show you the hr analytics dashboards that organisations leverage the most, and why. They include:

The Monthly Summary Dashboard
The Executive Scorecard
The Diversity & Inclusion Dashboard
The Candidate Pipeline Dashboard
The Turnover Treemap

Download the ebook today!

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