Is your career site aligned with your brand?

It’s said you never get a second chance to make a first impression. And it’s often the case that first impressions are formed digitally nowadays.

So, you shouldn’t underestimate the importance of your Careers Site and how it represents your company. 

Businesses talk about corporate and employer branding and the need to market your brand as part of your recruitment strategy, cutting through the noise and standing out for all the right reasons.

American insurance giant The Hartford explains brand as follows:

“Your brand is the image customers have of your business, so take the time to define it thoughtfully and early, before the market does it for you. That way, your company’s image will be what you intend it to be. It should be strategic and intentional.”

This clearly reflects the importance of having control over your brand, and stresses just how much brand matters, whether you’re a corporate company or an educational establishment.

Recruitment Marketing is fundamental to this. It delivers consistent branding that spans the whole recruitment and candidate lifecycle. 

So that’s why it’s important that it defines your business. After all, it’s your shop window to the world, too. It will shape how you are perceived by your many different stakeholder categories, especially talent.

What is a Brand Built on?

It’s a wonderful thing to have impressive state-of-the-art facilities and an impressive stack of products or services. But these are only a tiny part of your brand.

Your brand should capture:

  • Your culture
  • Your EVP 
  • Your People, Departments, and Teams
  • The unique value propositions that set you apart from other businesses
  • The core messages you send to your talent that makes you more attractive as an employer

What’s Your Careers Site Saying About You Right Now?

Do your Careers Sites live up to your carefully crafted messages and does it do your company justice?

If it looks old, stodgy, and homemade circa 1995 the answer is probably a resounding no. You need a harsh truth if this description resonates.

You need to set your sights high and think along these lines:

  • Do your Careers Sites showcase your EVP?
  • Does your Careers Site content share with potential talent and other stakeholders like People Videos, A Day In The Life Videos, Office Locations, or Remote Meetings?
  • Does your Careers Site give you the functions to promote your roles, like a product?
  • Can your talent search for roles by location, type, contract hours, salary (to name but a few)?
  • Is it easy to capture talent information through “Register Your Interest”?
  • Are your candidates able to apply without setting up an account first?
  • Are your Careers Site SEO optimised, so you can be seen quicker?

How Quick Can You Update & Refresh Your Careers Site?

It’s great having a great-looking Careers Site, but what about keeping it that way? 

Content is key and having old and out-of-date content will put off candidates. You need to keep it fresh with new content all the time.

To enable you to do this independently, without the help of IT or your creative agency/marketing team, you will need a Content Management System (CMS). This underpins your Careers Site and provides the platform to make changes, share new content and refresh content in an instant. 

How Can HireRoad Help?

We design and build Careers Sites that not only represent your brand but put you high on SEO rankings, and provide your candidates the ability to search and apply for roles quickly. Underpinned by our very own CMS, we enable recruitment teams the control to make sure the site is fresh, up-to-date, and content-rich, all at the click of a button. 

Interested to find out more. Simply arrange a chat with one of our team or call us on 01509 221 349.

Source: The Hartford, Define Your Brand: brand