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Thrive in the intersection where recruiting and marketing converge

Recruiting in times of rife skills shortages isn’t for the faint-hearted. But, it’s far from impossible, because challenging markets in any sector are notorious for sparking innovation. It’s no different for recruiting in 2022 and beyond. You can thrive by switching things up and getting creative. Thinking more like a marketer is a formidable place to start.

The thing is, recruiting is promotion and sales, much like marketing. It’s how the term ‘recruitment marketing’ emerged.

Your Marketing Department studies its audiences from one step removed. It deep-dives in to who its audiences are, and what motivates them to take and action and ultimately buy. The magic doesn’t just happen by chance. It’s the result of carefully considered output to suit audience preferences.

In a similar way, an explosive recruiting and marketing blend differentiates you from your competition, and magnetizes the best talent towards your uniquely advantageous and interesting offerings.

So, get your marketing hat on and think about compelling ways to –

  • Laser-target your ideal candidates
  • Nurture your ideal candidates through your sales funnel towards applying for your open roles

This process is a gazillion times easier with first-rate recruitment software. It furnishes you with the tools of the trade and practically does the work for you –

  • Keeping your brand front and center propping up your output
  • Putting an unprecedented blast on your recruitment marketing effort

But, let’s remind ourselves of some fundamental rules of engagement first.


EVP and Brand Alignment: What to Bear in Mind

Your EVP (employee value proposition) and brand alignment are internal and external sides of the same coin:

  • EVP – External – What drives the behaviours and attitudes of every person in the business? Global recruitment colossus Michael Page describes EVP as, “… defining the essence of your company – how it is unique and what it stands for. It encompasses the central reasons that people are proud and motivated to work there, such as the inspiring vision or distinctive culture.”
  • Brand Alignment – Internal – Brand alignment is your benchmark for ensuring that every touchpoint, every communication and every piece of marketing is ‘on brand’, upholding the image of your business and what it’s all about.

When your EVP and brand alignment are perfectly harmonized, they’re a potent combination.

Brand alignment underpins and amplifies your recruitment marketing activity, infusing your brand through everything you do. Whereas your EVP is an additional layer. A candidate might already know, like, trust, even love your brand. But your EVP is what entices them to get excited when you have an opening come up.

That’s the science behind the concept. By what does it look like in practice?  

Here’s a few surefire ideas you can implement with minimal fuss and bother, with platinum-grade recruitment softwaremaking light work of otherwise tough tasks.

How Can Recruitment Software Help Your Recruitment Marketing Dazzle?

Recruitment marketing casts out sprats to catch mackerels. And prime recruitment software tools you up for simple and stress-free reel-ability from a candidate-in-waiting’s very first touchpoint.

The content library feature is a failproof weapon for optimum hook-iness. It’s buildable over time, and it plugs in with your careers site and social media channels. So, you can distribute content wherever you want to, at the push of a button, in real time or pre-automated.

Controlling everything from a single mothership has the added bonus reduced workload. But, even better, it keeps you on the right side of brand alignment, because everything is automatically branded to perfection for you, across your –

  • Careers Site – How compelling is your careers site? You’ve probably already got highly suitable candidates lurking in its depths. In addition to who’s already in there, your careers site is also the place where keen newbies enter your talent pool. Is it chock-full of juicy content to keep them salivating?
  • Social Media – Think about how to showcase your business on social media. Posts about company celebrations; wins; charity work; human stories about an employee’s personal achievements outside work; video clips of employees talking about their jobs, all keep the likes, comments and emojis rolling.
  • Job Ads – Wave ‘so long’ to dry and formulaic job descriptions that are more terrifying – and boring – than aspirational. Your Marketing Department will tell you that features tell, but benefits sell. With that in mind, reeling off lists of ideal requisites is so last century. Get hooky instead! Your recruitment software automatically posts your ads to whichever job boards and social media channels you select. But, before pressing the button, give your ads he best chance of justifying ROI. Infusing them with your inspirational visions and values, your second-to-none training and development opportunities, and your arm-twisting perks.
  • Application Forms – There’s no love lost for old-style application forms that were as long and ambiguous as War & Peace! Instead, future forward application forms are harnessing friendlier features, such as     > Notes to help candidates complete their applications     > Videos embedded across application forms, including workplace footage, employee interviews, and a senior manager sharing information about the future of the business and wishing candidates good luck with their applications.

At HireRoad, our exceptional recruitment software is purpose-designed to delight your candidates. You know how your Marketing colleagues aim to convert browsers to buyers? Likewise, we aim to equip you to thrive, hitting the sweet spot that converts active and passive talent to engaged candidates.

In addition, we want things to be as effortless and non-techie as possible for you. To this end, the content library feature integrates with cloud-based services like Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive, for ease of uploading your video content to the system, and sharing it to your careers site and social media.  

Want to learn more? Pop your details in here to arrange a show-and-tell with us.