Combatting unconscious bias in recruitment

Within the HR and Recruitment space, occasionally a “horror story” will appear where an employer asks for applicants with certain physical attributes to apply or specifies the desired age of applicants in an advert. These are easily avoidable, and more importantly, they’re easily corrected.

Miriam Fearon, Senior Account Manager at Onboard by HireRoad shares her expert advice and best practice on how to address uncomfortable situations during the Hiring process, so you can achieve your recruitment Diversity and Inclusion goals. This guide covers:

1. Bias in Recruitment

2. Addressing Potential Unconscious Bias

3. The Impact on your Recruitment

4. Your Essential Recruitment Stack

5. The Right Process for you?

6. Applying the Learning

7. Removing Unconscious Bias with Onboard by HireRoad

We all learn from each other and from sharing our ideas, inspirations, and successes. Collaborative innovation is something we pride ourselves in at Vacancy Filler, where we’re always available to help you out.

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