Stay Competitive  with Compensation

Improve talent acquisition and retention efforts with HireRoad compensation analytics. Analyze employee compensation by title, function, and demographic to see how you stack up against industry benchmarks.

Get ahead of employee turnover

Keep top performers happy and new hires motivated with competitive compensation rates. Identify at-risk roles that are falling beneath industry compensation benchmarks, then safeguard against churn by prioritizing compensation adjustments.

Refine your compensation strategy

Pair your compensation data with performance and internal mobility data to identify turnover trends and proactively design compensation packages that keep employees engaged as they grow in your company.

Uncover insights

With HireRoad compensation analytics, you’ll always know where you stand. Spot workforce trends and outliers sooner — and prep for upcoming promotions and new hires.

Take targeted action

Get ahead of churn by identifying compensation gaps sooner. Know when employees are likely to start looking elsewhere, so you can act to secure your top talent.

Benefit from ongoing support

HireRoad’s team of workforce analytics experts will back you every step of the way. Get personalized support from people who know compensation strategy.


Harness the Power of HR Data Insights

Expedite your journey into people analytics, with a risk-free and user-friendly experience.

Let us store and administer your data, reducing the technical requirements and need for internal resource investments.

Get ongoing analyst support to help evolve your people analytics strategy effectively and efficiently.

Request your demo!