5 effective workplace training strategies

Effective training and development start with a solid learning strategy. The goal of any workplace learning is to help employees develop skills to improve efficiency and performance. With a focus on real-time learning, employers can provide relevant training as it relates to products, processes, or procedures.

When learning programs focus on employees’ strengths, it boosts energy and wellness to create a context for higher learning. Human Resource (HR) leaders must initiate effective workplace learning programs that give employees a voice in their own on-the-job development. It is important for HR leaders to stay on top of trends in enterprise learning to reap the benefits of highly-skilled and well-trained staff.

Here are five effective workplace training strategies organizations and agencies can use to optimize new skill development, meet compliance requirements, and provide meaningful engagement.

1. Choose the Right Employee Training Platform 

There are things to be mindful of when selecting a learning management system (LMS). It is important to find out what kind of learning is needed and then make sure the LMS selected can deliver. Organizations must personalize the learning process at an appropriate level while accessing world-class resources to deliver as-needed training. With the help of an LMS, HR leaders can identify particular skill gaps or even determine individual needs for training. From the analysis, employee learning paths can be established using mixed-modes of training delivery such as videos, webinars, or live events.  

2. Enable Mobile Learning

Technology is the modern way to socialize. Access to a mobile device is an opportunity to learn. Mobile devices give people 24/7 access to training and resources. The convenience of a mobile device provides corporate learning with an advantage. Combined with gamification, mobile learning can spur engagement with the material and topics. Wearable devices can enhance learning and collaboration with instant feedback, activity tracking, and data collection. While employees keep their tech handy, keep them learning. Retrofit e-learning into daily tasks and make it easier to access training materials from any device at any time.

3. Foster online collaboration

Virtual collaboration is still an important skill in the workplace. One of the key benefits of an integrated employee training platform is the ability to create and deploy customized learning avenues for each employee. In a modern work environment, a collaborative effort of social learning is a by-product of skill development that goes beyond job training. When employees learn together in virtual scenarios, they are also practicing the very online collaboration skills that they need in their jobs and careers. 

4. Curate personalized learning

Different jobs require different skills. Organizations and agencies should personalize learning for employees to coincide with the position, experience, and skill level. For new employees, a great example of curated training is onboarding. From day one, the LMS becomes a valuable asset to learn new skills, present material, and adhere to compliance. When learners curate, control, and preset training, they take ownership of their workplace expectations. Ultimately, training improves employee retention and leads to greater engagement within the organization.

5. Use feedback to improve training

Learning programs should be integrated to better meet employee needs. Simply ask employees what they need to improve their job performance! More often than not, employees can give better insight into what they need to improve job performance. With help from employee feedback, organizations and agencies can identify areas for future development, ways to improve productivity and overcome challenges detrimental to success.

Learning technologies provide employees the opportunity to focus and expand on their professional development and prepare them for long-term growth in the company. HR leaders can leverage learning program data to quickly reveal knowledge gaps and understand the effectiveness of specific training programs. In addition, these learning efforts can be used to create performance metrics to improve overall ROI. This is the power of an employee training platform. 

Effective training and development in the workplace can bring balance to employee needs and the organization’s future plans for growth. Find out how learning management can bring balance to your workforce with Learn by HireRoad