Compliance is critical – Learning Management Systems meet the challenge

Compliance training is a formal program that addresses policies, procedures, and actions to help your organization comply with certain laws and regulations. Compliance is critical, and the ramifications of falling out of compliance can be dire and result in undesirable behavior, poor moral, and even large fines and criminal charges. Training and assessments can of course be a big part of the solution and Learning Management Systems (LMS) are critical in ensuring (and documenting) the following;

  • The right people are trained at the right time.
  • People are properly assessed in their understanding and awareness.
  • All training activity and assessments are recorded and tracked.
  • Management has visibility into the status of the training program and is proactively alerted to problems.

There are many features of the HR Learn LMS that can assist with these compliances and make the process easier and more accurate, let’s discuss HR Learn’s relevant features in depth.

Automated Enrollments and Notifications

The sophisticated rule-based automation of HR Learn LMS can be configured to enroll the right employees in the right compliance training courses with no additional effort on the part of the administrator. Course enrollments can have due dates that can automatically send notifications to employees and send reports to managers and supervisors as well as notifying them when a course completion is overdue. Additionally, HR Learn LMS allows administrators or managers to set rules that will automatically re-enroll users in courses when necessary for compliance training.

Content Flexibility

HR Learn LMS can give you the flexibility to easily and quickly load your own compliance training content such as PowerPoints and videos, create your own assessments with the use of built-in or other authoring tools, and upload SCORM or xAPI content, or use our OpenSesame integration to access a library of over 3000 courses, many which are relevant to compliance training.

Tracking and Reporting

With the use of HR Learn LMS, supervisors, managers, and administrators will be able to track and monitor the progress of the employee as they go through your compliance training program. To ensure your training is successful, alerts and notifications can be set up to track and report compliance course completion for auditing purposes.


HR Learn LMS can provide mobility which will allow for your employees to access compliance training on their devices – anytime, anywhere, allowing for them to complete their regulatory training at their convenience.

HR Learn LMS for your Compliance Training

HR Learn’s intelligent automation allows for regulatory training to be rolled out smoothly; completed, tracked, and reported for auditing purposes. HR Learn LMS takes the headache out of compliance training and certification management, letting you focus on making sure that your organization becomes fully compliant. HR Learn LMS provides you with the confidence to know that your compliance training is under control, let us show you how today.