9001 certification – why it’s a great idea and how an LMS can help

A learning management system can automate your quality management training and provide real-time tracking and reporting for all activities

Whether your business is B2B or B2C, adopting quality standards can help you improve your goods and services, streamline your operations, and make work safer. Additionally, being certified for a quality standard lets prospective customers and industry partners know that you’re efficient and trustworthy.

One standard that you can adopt to demonstrate your commitment to quality is ISO 9001 from the International Standards Organization (ISO). This standard is part of the ISO 9000 family, the world’s most well-known series of quality management standards.

ISO 9001 is suitable for organizations in any industry and of any size. As the ISO website states, this standard is “based on a number of quality management principles, including a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management, the process approach and continual improvement.”

To become ISO 9001 certified, you’ll have to meet the standard’s demanding criteria. Your progress is typically evaluated via a thorough audit of your company records, including your employee training records. And that’s where a learning management system (LMS) can be extremely useful; its tracking capabilities and reporting features will let you easily create, store, and access those training records.

In addition, ISO training runs the gamut from teaching select employees how to be internal auditors to providing all workers with ISO 9001 awareness (an understanding of how their specific role can help your company comply with the standard). An LMS will provide you with a suite of automation features that can simplify delivery of the various courses. With the proper system configuration, scheduling, enrollment, assessment, reminders, tracking, and reporting can occur automatically.

Earning ISO 9001 certification is a grand accomplishment for any organization and positions you among the leaders of your industry. Developing a program to effectively train employees is the first step.

Interested in a real-world example of how an organization used an LMS to solidify their reputation as an industry leader in quality? Find out more the ways in which Learn by HireRoad’s advanced reporting features can help with ISO 9001 family certification audit. Request your personalized demo today!