Empowering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)

Achieve DEI Goals

Implementing an effective DEI strategy relies on a deep understanding of your organization’s current state, the necessary steps for progress, and a reliable method for ongoing progress measurement. While this may seem challenging, partnering with HireRoad can fast-track your journey to impactful insights and enable strategic, data-driven decision-making in just five days.

Establish a DEI baseline

DEI efforts extend beyond company headcount, encompassing various factors such as demographics, strategies, departments, levels, roles, and geographic locations. Start evaluating DEI metrics across different dimensions to gain comprehensive insights and pave the way for impactful initiatives.

Leverage baseline insights to shape strategy

By gaining visibility into your organization’s DEI landscape, you can identify critical areas that require attention. This knowledge empowers you to define targeted DEI strategies and initiatives that address specific needs and foster a more inclusive and equitable workplace.

Measure, evaluate, and communicate

Measurement is integral to every DEI initiative or strategy—ensuring confidence in execution and completion. By gaining clear visibility into all aspects of your DEI landscape, you can monitor the effectiveness of your programs and communicate progress against initiatives to various stakeholders.

Uncover DEI opportunities

Utilize data and analytics to identify opportunities within your DEI initiatives. Proactively address gaps and challenges, driving progress towards your DEI goals.

Take action

With HireRoad’s analytics tool, take targeted actions and present real progress against desired DEI outcomes.

Reinforce adoption

HireRoad’s expert analysts help to reinforce the adoption of analytics capabilities—ensuring your DEI initiatives continue to evolve and drive desired outcomes.

A Guide to Diversity Equity and Inclusion

Making progress with diversity, equity and inclusion can be difficult, but it starts with an analytics-based approach. Download this guide to learn how to find the data to make important DEI decisions.


Harness the Power of HR Data Insights

Expedite your journey into people analytics, with a risk-free and user-friendly experience.

Let us store and administer your data, reducing the technical requirements and need for internal resource investments.

Get ongoing analyst support to help evolve your people analytics strategy effectively and efficiently.

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