Take Proactive Steps to Combat Churn

Employee turnover is expensive and time-consuming for your business.  HireRoad’s integrative people analytics give you a complete picture of attrition trends, so you can proactively hang onto your top talent — and your revenue.

Measure Your Retention Efforts

Get a complete picture of your retention efforts — what’s lacking, what’s working, and what needs reimagining. No more guesswork. You’ll always know where you stand, so you can take action to prevent turnover.

Save Money by Retaining Talent

Focus on the danger zones in your business first, where churn is highest. Our workforce analytics show you the holes that most need filling, so you can bolster your retention programs and stop churn at the source – saving your business time and money.

Design Engagement Strategies That Work

Solve your churn mystery so you can take strategic, preventative actions. Knowing the “why” and the “how” are the first steps. Pair your retention data with employee engagement data and other relevant sources to help you understand what’s truly going on.

Get a clear picture of churn

Spot the gaps in your retention efforts. Pinpoint insights on employee turnover help you identify the driving factors behind your churn problem.

Keep tabs on progress

Identify which retention strategies are working, so you can replicate (or reimagine) them in other areas of your business.

Get help along the way

Our people analytics experts know the ins and outs of employee engagement. They’ll be here to support you each step of the way.


Harness the Power of HR Data Insights

Expedite your journey into people analytics, with a risk-free and user-friendly experience.

Let us store and administer your data, reducing the technical requirements and need for internal resource investments.

Get ongoing analyst support to help evolve your people analytics strategy effectively and efficiently.

Request your demo!