Get an Accurate View of Headcount

Keep track of headcount with people analytics that tell the full, and up to date, story. From hiring volume to attrition rates to internal movement — PeopleInsight by HireRoad tracks your ever-evolving workforce and delivers fast, accurate insights that keep business moving and gives you confidence in your headcount data.

Examine Headcount From Every Angle

Slice and dice your headcount data by department, region, tenure, gender, and more. Uncover trends that help you make smarter hiring decisions — and institute new retention strategies to keep your best employees on board.

Go Deep On Workforce Analysis

HireRoad reveals telling patterns in tenure and churn rates, solving the mystery of who stays and who leaves. With informative data on employee trends across retention, performance, and promotions, you’ll face fewer surprises — and be better prepared for upcoming workforce shifts.

Slice and dice your data

Pair your headcount data with other HR data sets like compensation, hiring, and employee engagement to uncover illuminating patterns.

Measure your progress

Chart your hiring and retention efforts over time. Watch your workforce transform as you plug the holes and take proactive steps to combat churn.

Get help from the experts

Stay ahead of the curve with support from HireRoad’s team of industry experts. They’ll help you make the most of your people analytics.


Harness the Power of HR Data Insights

Expedite your journey into people analytics, with a risk-free and user-friendly experience.

Let us store and administer your data, reducing the technical requirements and need for internal resource investments.

Get ongoing analyst support to help evolve your people analytics strategy effectively and efficiently.

Request your demo!